Hey! I'm so glad you could come and visit my blog! I hope you enjoy it! :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Music, computer, books, drawing

Okay, i haven't posted since my Birthday. Oh well, i'm really sorry about that! Okay, on saturday.....i had my bday party. Three people showed up. it was a costume party. It still turned out good....i guess....lol. Then on sunday......i was at my best friends house all day...(i spend the night at her house on saturday) On monday thru friday. School. UG!! More homework!! (>_<) that next saturday....idk what i did. I can't remember. But i have been soooo tired!! I don' know why!! It's insane!! (more like i'm going insane.....Yeah, that works.) Okay, so i saw my best friend from Minnesota the other day. It was awesome to see her again!! (i have like five best friends. Try to keep up plz) I gave her the drawings i drew for her. I might post them on here sometime. I drew Jack Skellington!! (from nightmare before christmas. I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!) I also drew an awesome angel!! Woo!
Okay, so today....I had school. I started writing another story. (One of these day's i'm gonna post it. hopefully you will understand what's going on.....its about my fave anime Fullmetal Alchemist!!) ((If you are confused...lookit up!)) I went to the hair place at 6:00. I got my hair trimmed and i got more bangs. I ate subway for dinner. and then now i'm sitting here writing this and listening to Taylor Swift - You're not sorry. 

I am waiting for a necklace to come in the mail. its from Fullmetal Alchemist. It's the serpents cross. Its awesome!! ^_^

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


*YAYAYAY* It's my birthday today!!! Woo! The only thing is...i had to go to school. And the people there absolutely ruined it....TT_TT
It was horrible!!! I mean fine for the first period of school. My friends decorated my locker and made it ausome! And a ton of people signed it. But....later someone crossed out all the names......and then i found out some one wrote F-You on it (my friend crossed that out tho)......TT_TT i wanted to cry right then and there. (I almost did too) We don't even know who did it!!!! PLUS at lunch a boy shot a rubber band at me and it hit he in the eye....it hurt a lot. TT_TT plus it's still red.....and it's 4 hours later! *sobs*

We finally got my costume and wig for my b-day party! *YAYAYAY* I tried it on and looked AWESOME!!

The funny thing is, right before we went into the store to get my wig my mom said (actual words) "One rule, you can't get anything over 25$. No matter how much you like it." Once we got in there, i tried on a few wigs that weren't quite right. Then i saw one that was absolutely perfect! So now i have a wig. But, guess how much it was..?? It was 30$!! XD

Not to mention my party is only FOUR days away!!! WOO!! **Jumps up and down in excitement again!!**

Oh...i didn't mention.......i had orchestra again today......we had to play that HORRIBLE song again!! "colors of the wind" We came up with a new name for it. "Crappy Song"
( Realize: I capitolized the first letters of the new name for it and not for the original name for it...The original name for it doesn't deserve capitol letters *grins evily* )

btw this one blog makes up for all the other ones i didn't post.....*smiles*

Saturday, May 1, 2010

WOO!! *jumps up and down in joy*

I got a new computer!! It's been moved into my room. lol It's freaking awesome!! WOO!!! *YAYAYAYAY*
moving on....
I finally got the jacket i need for my cosplay party!! ^_^ Now i just need Winry's wig...I only need 4 dollars until i have enough money!! ugh!! And my parents think its too expensive if i'm only going to wear it once! I'm going to wear it a LOT! Wow, i seem hyper and i haven't even had chocolate yet today....sad.......
OH! And i'm already on chapter twelve of HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE!!! I started reading it TWO days ago...(i'm not that fast of a ready kay??)
I went to the farmers market today...i saw my cousin Bu Bu. we call him that because his real name is David. But his step-dad's and his real dad's name is David. Hence the reason we call him Bu Bu. lol

Okay, right now i am sitting in my room typing this out. along with my story that i might just post on here once i have chapter one typed out. lol

( i say lol too much!!)
